Thursday, October 30, 2008


to belong to the "a" crowd means to watch movies at lola theater.

all the literati of legazpi, the pretty girls, the well-heeled and those they say of fine breeding all troop to lola to watch the latest flicks. there they congregate to be seen.

fully air-conditioned, the fees are higher than those of rex and madrid. the newest released movies from mgm, warner brothers, and james bond films are only shown at the theater. no tagalog films nor second-rate movie.

there, i would always see her, not on a date but as one who knows she would be there. of course, the feeling was mutual. the movies sometimes bind us or at other times explain love's intricacies and moods.

the only thing one must first avoid is to be seen with another, though only by coincidence and chance. a jealous woman knows no explanation.

lola is a love story forever unfolded in my memories.

now, i only watch dvd's.

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